Sunday, April 1, 2007

Everything is Clear...

This weekend as I was sitting with Emma outside she asked me "mama, why is it raining?" I went on to give her this lengthy explanation of scientific hoopla. Deep down I had no idea why it was raining when the sun was out and the sky was blue. Why does this happen? If anyone knows please tell me. Anyways, she was completely satisfied with my answer and went on with playing in the sand box. This is when it hit is obvious that she did not understand what I was telling her but she was OK with that. She wasn't about to waste quality playing time trying to understand everything I had just told her. And the bottom line was she wasn't bothered. She had more important things to do. It is amazing what children can teach us.

1 comment:

Charity said...

Is this what we're supposed to do in our class?!!?